$o-form-lightsecondary: lighten($o-brand-secondary, 25%) !default; $o-tooltip-background-color: $o-view-background-color !default; $o-tooltip-color: $o-main-text-color !default; $o-tooltip-arrow-color: $o-main-text-color !default; // Needed for having no spacing between sheet and mail body in mass_mailing: // Different required cancel paddings between web and web_enterprise $o-sheet-cancel-tpadding: $o-horizontal-padding !default; $o-sheet-cancel-bpadding: $o-horizontal-padding + $o-sheet-vpadding !default; // Side chatter $o-chatter-min-width: 530px !default; // Safest for the next value would be map-get($container-max-widths, lg) as it // is the minimal width of the default form view design for md/lg sizes $o-form-sheet-min-width: 990px !default;