/// /// This file regroups the CSS rules made to fix/extend bootstrap in all places /// where it is used in Odoo (backend / frontend / reports / ...) /// .alert { // Alerts are block elements with relative positioning. // They would go over floating elements, which is never what we want. clear: both; } // Extend bootstrap to create background and text utilities for gray colors too // Note: the card-body rule below needs those grays utilities to be defined // before so that the related o-bg-color text-muted rules work. @each $color, $value in $grays { @include bg-variant(".bg-#{$color}", $value); @include text-emphasis-variant(".text-#{$color}", $value); } .card-body { // BS4 colored cards do not have a very popular design. This will reset them // to a BS3-like one: only the header and footer are colored and the body // will use the color of a default card background with a light opacity. // Limitation: bg-* utilities cannot be used on card-body elements anymore. @include o-bg-color(rgba($card-bg, $o-card-body-bg-opacity)); &:first-child { @include border-top-radius($card-inner-border-radius); } &:last-child { @include border-bottom-radius($card-inner-border-radius); } &.row { // The 'row' class should not be used on a 'card-body' element but if // it is done, our custom bg color would overflow the card. As a fix // for those cases (normally only one at the time this fix is made), // remove the background color. // TODO remove me in master. background-color: transparent !important; } } .accordion { .collapsing, .collapse.show { > .card-body:first-child { // Above background color would overflow on the card-header border // without this margin-top: $card-border-width; } } } .toast-header { background-clip: border-box; } .toast-body { // Same as card-body, see explanation above @include o-bg-color(opacify($toast-background-color, 0.08)); } // Modify modals so that their scrollable element is the modal-body (except in // mobile). @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { .modal-dialog { height: 100%; padding: $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up 0; margin: 0 auto; } .modal-content { max-height: 100%; } .modal-header, .modal-footer { flex: 0 0 auto; } .modal-body { overflow: auto; // fix iOS issue https://github.com/scottjehl/Device-Bugs/issues/8 -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); min-height: 0; } } // Do not display the backdrop element added by bootstrap in the body and add a // background on the modal to keep the same effect. The bootstrap backdrop was // probably useful for compatibility with .btn { @include button-size($input-padding-y, $input-padding-x, $input-font-size, $input-line-height, $input-border-radius); border-width: $input-border-width; } } // Review $link-decoration behavior @if $link-decoration and $link-decoration != none { .btn:not(.btn-link), .nav-link, .dropdown-item, .page-link, .breadcrumb-item > a, .badge, .fa { &, &:hover, &:focus { text-decoration: none; } } } // Generating bootstrap color buttons was disabled (see import_bootstrap.scss). // We do it ourself here with a tweak: we introduce btn-fill-* (working as the // normal btn-* classes (in opposition to btn-outline-* classes). We then map // the btn-* classes to either btn-fill-* or btn-outline-* classes depending on // the configuration. We also allow to define a border-color different than the // background color. $o-btn-bg-colors: () !default; $o-btn-border-colors: () !default; @each $color, $value in $theme-colors { $-bg-color: map-get($o-btn-bg-colors, $color) or $value; $-border-color: map-get($o-btn-border-colors, $color) or $-bg-color; .btn-fill-#{$color} { @include button-variant($-bg-color, $-border-color); } } @each $color, $value in $theme-colors { $-bg-color: map-get($o-btn-bg-colors, $color) or $value; $-border-color: map-get($o-btn-border-colors, $color) or $-bg-color; .btn-outline-#{$color} { @include button-outline-variant($-border-color); } } $o-btn-outline-defaults: () !default; @each $color, $value in $theme-colors { .btn-#{$color} { @if index($o-btn-outline-defaults, $color) { @extend .btn-outline-#{$color}; } @else { @extend .btn-fill-#{$color}; } } } // Compensate navbar brand padding if no visible border @if alpha($navbar-dark-toggler-border-color) < 0.001 { .navbar-dark .navbar-toggler { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } @if alpha($navbar-light-toggler-border-color) < 0.001 { .navbar-light .navbar-toggler { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } // Review bootstrap navbar to work with different nav styles $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-padding-x: $nav-link-padding-x !default; $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-border-radius: $nav-pills-border-radius !default; .navbar-nav.nav-pills .nav-link { // The rules is needed so that the padding is not reset to 0 in mobile. // Also use default nav-link paddings instead of navbar ones. padding-right: $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-padding-x; padding-left: $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-padding-x; @if $o-navbar-nav-pills-link-border-radius != $nav-pills-border-radius { @include border-radius($o-navbar-nav-pills-link-border-radius); } } .carousel-control-next .sr-only { left: 50%; // Avoid horizontal scrollbar in Chrome }